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NH HCR6 Railroaded in the Executive Session | Ron Paul 2012 ...

We hope to take the fight to the floor of the house for all State Reps to vote either next week or the week after our February vacation. I recommend you get the word out for all to contact every Democrat Legislator in the state, from the Governor on .... There's one name I can't understand at 1:12 of "Jeffersonian Blowoff part 2" ("Botzar? Votsar?) Although a Rep Anne Priestley (District 04) is listed online, I DID NOT hear her name called: Anne Priestley ...
źródło: BlogSearch

NH HCR6 Railroaded in the Executive Session | Ron Paul 2012 ...

We hope to take the fight to the floor of the house for all State Reps to vote either next week or the week after our February vacation. I recommend you get the word out for all to contact every Democrat Legislator in the state, from the Governor on .... There's one name I can't understand at 1:12 of "Jeffersonian Blowoff part 2" ("Botzar? Votsar?) Although a Rep Anne Priestley (District 04) is listed online, I DID NOT hear her name called: Anne Priestley ...
źródło: BlogSearch

Play It Again, Max: Jim Pepper - Pepper's Pow Wow (1971)

Apparently this album is to be released in CD format on August 28, 07'. I just pre-ordered it at They don't yet have a cover illustration but I hope the music is the real deal. 4:48 AM; Anonymous said... To Botzar: ... Danny Weiss the engineer is an old friend, and I'm guessing he and Herbie Mann's estate have the rights to it along with Jim Pepper's widow and all the participants. Frankly I'm sorry it got out if it's mine, because I'd have some remastering ...
źródło: BlogSearch
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